A Boy Named Sue

What's in a name?  Remember horrible Katie Hopkins rant on day time TV.

 So funny to watch, but could there be just a tiny bit of truth in what she is saying?  Rightly or wrongly most of us make assumptions based on something as simple as a persons name and we base these on previous experiences.

Teachers do it all the time, they are only human after all! According to some research  (Have they nothing better to do) 🌝 children called Callum, Jack, Connor, Charlie, Chelsea and Chardonnay strike fear into the nations teachers.  Of course most of these children are little angels and it must be great to be proved wrong!

Grandparents wait in great anticipation to hear the name of their new beloved grandchild, but what if you don't like the chosen name or even hate it!  Apparently a fifth of grandparents say they hate or have hated their grandchild's name and six per cent have fallen out with their family over the issue.  Aurora and Finn are the worst names for grandparents.

When I first heard the name Solomon, (Soli) I have to admit that I had to think about it!  Where did it come from!  But then as I hadn't come across any little Solomon's in my job, working with young children, I couldn't make any assumptions, which was good!  So I grew to love the name, it's fresh, strong, handsome and intelligent and so far not on any naughty list!

How about Sue for a boy's name?   In America one hundred and sixty six boys have been given this name since 1969.  I think Johnny Cash had something to do with it!  So grandparents, think before you fall out over a name, it could be a lot worse 💙


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